I started a new job last December moving from a very large and streamlined firm to a smaller not so streamlined firm. Over time I'd become disappointed and frustrated with the projects I have been working on. The lack of communication and organization throughout the office made me feel like the work I was producing wasn't the best it could be.
Trying to be proactive, I set up a meeting with one of my bosses. In my mind I thought I would meet with him, explain my situation, tell him how he could improve communication in the office, and organize his projects better. After showing him how to better run his business he was surely going to promote me and give me a huge raise.
The day finally came and I was ready to meet with him. I downed two of my cube-mate's Red Bulls in an atempt to get fired up for my shinning moment of glory.
Here's what transpired:
Boss: "Come on in"
Me: "Okay"
…sitting down in one of his big comfy office chairs I was ready to break in to my career changing office improving monologue…
Me: "I feel li…"
Boss: "I have about 5 Minutes before I have to leave"
Me : "Oka.."
Boss: "I don't think you've been living up to our expectations."
…I start to sweat..
Me: "Well I .."
Boss: "Maybe it's because of all the time you spent in the hospital, any way you
don't have to worry about being fired yet."
Me: "Fired?"
Boss: "Everyone has received a bonus this year except you"
Me: "Bonus?"
Boss: "You should try harder"
Me: "okay" ( now slouching in my chair trying to disappear)
Boss: "I can relate to you because I have a son with special needs"
Me: "really?"
Boss: "Good talk, I have to get going, any questions?"
Me: "yes…"
Boss: "No? Good. Here's a book about being a better worker, why don't you read
it. let me know when you want to talk again."
Wow, what an insperation, I can't wait to "try harder". Being compared to someone with special needs filled me with a confidence that I've never had before.
Seriously? I hope this is fiction.
If not, I'm gonna call a couple of hard, pipe-hittin' Turtles to go to work on the homes here.
Shut UP! Did that really happen?
This post makes me sad...hope you are having a good day today my Mattie!
Matt, I love your blog and will now be a loyal reader. I have read all your entries and have laughed out loud several times. I then called Patrick and told him to read your blog immediately!
Do you happen to work for Dunder Mifflin?
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