Getting to stay at home with Lizzy has been great. It's exciting to watch her learn and grow from month to month. Like most kids her age Lizzy likes to repeat things that she hears other people saying, so it's usually fairly easy to figure out where or who she picks up new phrases from.
Needless to say Jen and I were a little scared when we sat down to eat dinner with lizzy a few weeks ago and she held up her little toddler knife looked and Jen and said “I'll fight you.” Jen looked at her a little confused and then asked me if I had heard what she had said. Still holding the knife up Lizzy told Jen “I'm not afraid of you.”
It took a few days but we finally figured out that it came from Jungle Book. At the time she had just watched the movie and would ask us to read her the book every night before bed. There is a part in the story when Mowgli first meets Baloo and tells him that he's not scared. In the same part Baloo shows Mowgli how to fight like a bear.
Even though we think we know where she picked this up from, I have to admit there were a few days that I had trouble sleeping in the same house with my 2 year old daughter.
Uh huh. I'm sure she picked that up from the movie. I envision you and Lizzy sword fighting over who gets to eat the frozen turtle cheesecake.
Ione I hope you checked out the link to your daddy's book
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