I’ve decided not working in an office is going to be a good opportunity for me. I’m going to start my own business and work out of my house. I decided the best place to look for help was the Internets.
If you’ve never tried the Internets, get there, I’m telling you it’s a great time.
Anyway I started looking for info about starting a business. It was pretty intense, write a business plan, find a mentor, set this legal stuff up, and do lots of other no fun stuff. After about five minutes I was struggling so I walked through my house looking for Lizzy. When I couldn’t find her I thought “if I were two where would I be”. I ran to the basement, she wasn’t playing my video games. I was confused.
So I get in my car and realize that she’s still in the back seat from earlier in the morning. Lucky for me it wasn’t to hot, Right, Huh? Don’t tell Jen she’ll get mad.
Back to business. I thought who needs a plan? I need supplies. I know someone once said “those who fail to plan, plan to fail”. But let me suggest that “those who fail to buy their supplies, furniture and equipment before they plan, should plan on an empty, uninspiring office that is not conducive to plan in.
I browsed the weekend paper for the best financing and found Office Depot had 12 months of 0% financing for 1 year. I was sold.
I found customer service and spoke to a very uninterested twenty something who offered not information.
Me: what about this no interest for 12 months?
Him: I don’t know
Me: how about a flyer?
Him: here’s an application
Me: Okay, I’ll fill it out after I read 14 pages of crap.
Him: Okay
I got approved and Lizzy and I were off. We tore through the store. She was like a little ninja climbing and throwing things all over. She had to touch and throw everything, it was wonderful.
I spent about 2 hours picking everything that I need to start my “business” in total my merchandise was over $700. I was so excited I headed back up to the same customer service guy because he was the only one I could find.
Me: I think I have every thing
Him: Okay
Me: let me get it out for you so you can scan it
Him: Okay
Beep beep beep beep….
Him: Your purchase doesn’t count towards our no interest financing.
Me: Why? It’s over the $400
Him: Well your desk has to be delivered
Me: Okay deliver it
Him: well that has to be separate
Me: Why
Him: It comes from a different location
Me: So, I’m buying it here, one purchase almost $700
Him: I can’t help it.
Me: The only reason I’m here is for the financing
Him: I’m sorry maybe if……..nope that doesn’t work….I’ll ring the rest up
Me: No I don’t want it with out the financing… can’t you do anything
Him: No
Me: Okay then cancel my card
Him: No you can keep it.
Me: I don’t want it
Him: that’s okay
So I get sad and leave my cart with a mound of merchandise at the customer service desk and go looking for Lizzy. It was easy this time she like highlighters.
We drove home listening to the Wiggles and trying to figure out why the store didn’t want to take my money and obviously wanted to crush my dreams of working from home.
Long story short my dreams are not crushed, lizzy and I went home and ate ice cream. I still have Staples and Best Buy and one day I will have all the supplies, equipment, and furniture that I’ll need to start planning a business.
I'm with Lizzy, highlighters rock!
Matt, I think you and I need to get to work getting the Guitar Hero makers to put out a Guns N Roses game like they did for Aerosmith. That's my plan for us to make our millions.
Okay, I'm out of ideas now.
So far my money-making plan has been to hide in my apartment. It hasn't made me any money, but on the upside I get to be a strange, pale recluse.
Soon I will start getting cats.
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