Big News

This 31 year old man boy has decided to step up his game. In an attempt to become more adult I've made the decision to start drinking coffee. This life changing decision came to me in the cereal/coffee section of the grocery store. I picked up my Cocoa Crispies, very adult, and was headed to the chicken nuggets when I passed the coffee.

As I passed the colors and smell called to me. I thought to myself, "i have lot's of adult things, a kid, a wife, a house. A cup of coffee in the morning is the one thing keeping me from becoming a real man".

That's when I began to get nervous. There were coffee bags and tins and boxes, each brand had funny sounding flavors and different roasts.

I forgot to mention I was there early Tuesday morning. Any good
grocery shopper knows that this is a bad time to go to the grocery
store because it's senior citizens day.

I started to panic, before I knew it I was surrounded by angry blue hairs that needed there favorite coffee and had no time for novices. I quickly grabbed the cheapest brand and moved on to find my nuggets.

The next day, before Lizzy woke up, I decide to take my next step into the exciting world of adulthood. Jen went to the basement and brought up our coffee machine that I think we've used once since we got married 5? years ago.

After Jen left for work I decide to start brewing my Hills Brothers Morning Roast. I cleaned the years of dust off the pot and coffee maker, read the directions, got a coffee filter and filled it with coffee grounds.

Ten seconds after turning on my coffee maker there was coffee all over my counter. Using my superior investigative skills I discovered that there was a piece of the coffee pot missing. This piece is very important to the brewing process because it limits the flow of the hot water through the filter before going into the pot.

After cleaning up my mess, I headed to the basement to find the missing piece. I searched for a while, found the molded black piece of plastic, and headed back up stairs to continue my quest for manhood.

Back in my kitchen I went back to work filled the filter with coffee grounds and brewed up 4 fresh cups of coffee.

It wasn't until later that I noticed that there were directions on the coffee can. something about one rounded tablespoon per cup.

Any way I found my big blue 32 oz. plastic tumbler (again, very adult), and filled it about 3/4 of the way up with my very strong coffee. I filled the other 1/4 of my cup with some milk and sat down to eat my bagel sandwich.

I had about 15 minutes before Lizzy usually wakes up so I ate my sandwich and downed my 32 ounces of maturity as fast as I could.

Coffee still tastes like crap, but i'm determined to keep drinking it because it gave me a nice coffee drinkers know what i'm talking about, that manly feeling were your stomach hurts and you have to poop.


Ione said...

I can sense the increased masculinity already. My favorite part is the ? after your estimated tenure as a married man!

Joshua S Viers said...

I'm with Jen on the "?"

Joshua S Viers said...

As a relatively-new coffee drinker/man myself, I feel obliged to point out you'd be better off drinking your own urine than drinking Hills Bros.

But then again, maybe that's just the San Francisco nancy-boy talking.